Kinship families need to be valued

We need to fully recognise ‘kinship care’ within Ireland, says Kinship Care Ireland Co-ordinator LAURA DUNLEAVY A STARTING point is to ask and explain what is Kinship Care? Kinship Care is when children are cared for by a relative, or close family friend when a parent is unable to. This can be for a wide […]

Opinion: ‘We knew we would parent our grandson, we had no choice, but we also had no support’ One Kinship Carer says there are about 8,000 children in Ireland living with relatives that aren’t their parents, and they’re not receiving any financial support. WHAT IS KINSHIP Care? It is the instance where children are cared for by a relative, or close family friend when a parent is unable to provide that care. […]

Launch of the Report of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use

Download the Report of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use Press Release ‘AN IRISH MODEL FOR AN IRISH CONTEXT ‘- CITIZENS’ ASSEMBLY ON DRUGS USE PUBLISHES FINAL REPORT AND 36 RECOMMENDATIONS Chair Paul Reid calls for immediate implementation of findings to support and resource drugs services Minister with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy welcomes […]

Call for Policy to fully recognise Kinship Care within Ireland

Both a spokesperson for Kinship Care Ireland and a Kinship Carer are available for media interview. Issued by Kinship Care IrelandWednesday, September 27, 2023. All Kinship Care arrangements need a policy for inclusion in social services A call has been made to formally recognise all circumstances of Kinship Care in Ireland – and to provide […]

Connecting with Our Colleagues in Family Resource Centres!

Kinship Care was delighted to attend the Family Resource Centre National Forum Event in Athlone, on October 12th 2022. Family Resource Centres provide much needed hubs within communities, where kinship carers can access support. See:

A Grandmother’s Story

Our colleagues in ICAAN have produced this video with support from the North-East Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force and the Family Addiction Support Network in the Northeast, featuring a Grandmother who shared her story of taking on the care of her grandchildren. It is an experience that many grandparent kinship carers will relate to.  

Kinship Care and Children’s Rights

Kinship Care Ireland was delighted to have an input into the submission made by Dr Aoife Daly, Lecturer in Law, University College Cork, to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, for the Day of General Discussion on “Children’s Rights and Alternative Care” in September 2021. Dr Daly examines the rights of children […]